How to Sell a Mobile Home Without a Houston Real Estate Agent

When it is time to sell your mobile home, in the hopes of making more profits, you may decide against listing with a real estate agent to save the commissions for yourself. However, once you have completed this decision, you may be left wondering what your next step should be. Therefore, you must go into … Continued

4 Disadvantages of Selling a House During the Holiday Season

If you want to sell your house but it’s the middle of the holiday season, you might be wondering if you should sell. That’s a valid question and, frankly, it makes sense to ask. In this blog post, we’re sharing 4 disadvantages of selling a house during the holiday season, which applies to sellers anywhere … Continued

4 Tips for Selling Distressed Properties in Houston

Selling a home under the best of circumstances can be challenging to say the least, so when you add the factor of a property in a distressed condition, the headaches begin to multiply. Preparing yourself for the realities of the market should you find yourself in this position can help you avoid the pitfalls and … Continued

7 Documents You Need When Selling Your House in Houston

Need to sell your house in Houston? Things will move along much more swiftly and smoothly if you are prepared from the start by organizing all of your documents. Paperwork is a given during legal transactions and it’s no different when you’re selling your house in Houston. You’ll want to have the following 6 documents … Continued

Our 4 Step Downsizing Plan for Houston Homeowners

Do you have a downsizing plan for your house in Houston? Lifestyles change and along with them, the requirements you have for a home change as well. In addition to finding your new smaller home and the hassles of listing and selling your current larger home, the task of downsizing can seem overwhelming. Going through … Continued